


A well-defined chin helps give balance to the face and creates a major part of one’s profile. When people look in the mirror, most focus on the size and shape of their noses, their ears, sagging jowls, or fine wrinkling of the skin. Although few examine their chins with the same discerning eye, having a “weak chin” is certainly not an asset.

Changes in chin size or shape may enhance a profile as much as rhinoplasty. It is common for the cosmetic surgeon to recommend chin surgery in addition to nose surgery when the surgeon sees that chin augmentation (technically termed genioplasty) is necessary to achieve facial balance and harmony. Fortunately, this is a relatively simple procedure that can make a major difference.

Is this procedure right for you?

For patients that desire a more prominent chin or one that is less so, genioplasty can help achieve better facial harmony, resulting in more confidence. Patients should be mentally and physically healthy and have realistic expectations for the outcome of the surgery.

What does genioplasty entail?

Before surgery, the patient and surgeon will discuss the shape and size of the implant, which mimics bone. An incision is placed in the mouth at the junction of the lower lip and gum, and the implant is inserted through this to the proper location. Small titanium screws may be used to secure an implant to the bone. Sutures are used to close the incision. Any scarring will be hidden inside the mouth.

Most patients are happy with the change in their appearance genioplasty achieves. You may not even realize how much an unbalanced chin affects the way your face looks until you see the result—a more balanced, harmonious face.

What should I expect from the post-surgery recovery period?

Patients will have some discomfort for several days after surgery, but pain medication will reduce it. Your surgeon may ask you to restrict your chewing or put you on a soft food and liquid diet.

While you will be able to resume many activities of home life after a day or two, you should not engage in strenuous activity for several weeks after surgery. Many patients return to work or school within a week, but we recommend they stay out of too much direct sun and heat for several months.

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