
Tumescent liposuction for lipedema

Tumescent liposuction for lipedema

Tumescent Liposuction in Miami is a highly reliable cosmetic procedure that uses a lipolysis solution to remove fatty tissues quickly and safely. A tumescent fluid contains epinephrine, lidocaine, and saline. 

The fluid allows the surgeon to optimize the surgical procedure and avoid the use of general anesthesia to prevent trauma, excessive bleeding, and other complications. Is tumescent liposuction ideal for lipedema? Read on! 

What is lipedema

Lipedema is a health condition characterized by inflamed fatty tissues. Studies highlight that this condition primarily affects women and causes sensations and pain in the abdominal tissues. However, inflammation in the fat cells can also affect hips, legs, buttocks, and arms. 

People suffering from lipedema have larger hips and legs than the upper body and abdominal region. In simple words, when you experience lipedema, you will have significant swelling in your legs, but your legs will remain normal. 

Because inflamed fat cells cause significant pressure on your legs, you will experience discomfort and pain. Your health provider will advise you to wear compression stockings and undergo massage sessions to reduce inflammation. Keep in mind that hormonal changes and menstrual cycles can make the condition even worse. 


Tumescent liposuction is an evidence-based and proven approach for lipedema. The procedure involves injecting a large volume of saline, epinephrine, and lidocaine solution into the fatty tissues underneath the skin.

The solution causes local numbness, constricts the blood vessels to reduce bleeding, and swells the fatty tissues to prevent trauma to the vascular structures. The surgeon ensures the solution penetrates the fatty tissues and causes them to swell and separate from the musculoskeletal structures, such as connective tissues. 

Tumescent liposuction is the only and the most reliable treatment for lipedema, leading to accurate and long-lasting results. However, some studies show that this procedure can affect the lymphatic vessels. Other benefits of tumescent liposuction include:

Prevents Lipedema in the Future

Tumescent liposuction can halt the health condition’s progression for a prolonged period. Because lipedema becomes complicated and causes chronic problems over time, undergoing tumescent liposuction allows you to eliminate stubborn and inflamed fatty tissues and slow down the return of fat content. 

Prevents Orthopedic Conditions 

Severe cases of lipedema increase the risk of orthopedic conditions, such as arthritis, knee pain, joint discomfort, and tissue ruptures. You may undergo kneed replacement surgery to fix the issue. 

However, undergoing tumescent liposuction is more reliable than knee replacement surgery because this procedure removes fatty tissues from your body and prevents the risk of physical impairment. 

Improves Aesthetic Appearance 

Tumescent liposuction can improve your legs’ aesthetic appearance and allow you to look and feel normal. Not only does tumescent liposuction removes stubborn and inflamed fatty tissues from your legs and other body parts, but it also improves your mental health. 

Many people with lipedema have high stress and depression levels. Sometimes, emotional sickness leads to chronic mental conditions, preventing people from staying happy and content. With tumescent liposuction, you can improve your self-confidence and restore your mental health. 

Is tumescent liposuction safe for lipedema?

Lipedema is a progressive health condition that affects your body’s subcutaneous adipose tissues. Chronic illness is common among women and affects their body’s lower extremities. 

Fat deposits and inflammation cause severe inflammation and pain. So, if your question is whether tumescent liposuction is safe for lipedema, let us tell you that various research studies have confirmed that tumescent liposuction does not affect the lymphatic function, meaning it is 100% safe for people with lipedema. 

Tumescent liposuction for Lipedema Cost in Miami

The cost of liposuction for lipedema in Miami varies from clinic to clinic. It depends on various factors. For instance, the cost of full leg liposuction, including knees, thighs, calves, and ankles, is between $20,000 and $25,000. 

Many patients want to improve the appearance of their calves, ankles, and knees. In that case, the average cost of tumescent liposuction for lipedema is between $10,000 and $12,000. People who remove stubborn and inflamed fat from their arms expect to pay an average of $7,000 to $9,000. 

What to do Next? 

We have experienced cosmetic surgeon with extensive knowledge of tumescent liposuction and offers state-of-the-art treatment for Lipedema. Call us between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Monday to Friday to discuss your problems/requirements or schedule an appointment with our board-certified cosmetic surgeon to undergo an initial examination and receive a treatment plan.

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