
Neck Liposuction Recovery: Everything you need to know

Neck Liposuction Recovery

Neck Liposuction in Miami is a sophisticated cosmetic procedure that requires a board-certified surgeon to remove fat in the neck or chin area. A growing body of research evidence shows that neck liposuction can define a person’s jawline and improve shape and appearance. 

It is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the United States, allowing men and women to eliminate excess fat from the neck and surrounding areas. Today’s article will give you essential details on neck liposuction recovery. Read on!

What to expect

A board-certified surgeon performs liposuction with local anesthesia, tumescent fluid, or conscious sedation. However, when a surgeon combines this procedure with a neck or facelift, they may use general anesthesia. 

The surgeon will make smaller incisions hidden under your chin or behind your ears. Next, the surgeon will insert a thin cannula or suction tube to remove fat from the targeted area. 

The surgeon does not close the incisions tightly to ensure proper drainage of anesthetic fluid. Neck liposuction is a reliable procedure with minimal scarring, meaning they are barely noticeable. 

Neck Liposuction Recovery Stages

Liposuction recovery requires careful planning and preparation based on your surgeon’s instructions. In this section, we will discuss different neck liposuction recovery stages to help you avoid complications and streamline the healing process. 

One Day After Neck Liposuction

You will return to your surgeon’s office the following day after the surgery. It is crucial to leave your surgery bandages intact overnight. When you arrive at the surgeon’s office, the staff will take you to the examination room to change the dressing. Next, the surgeon will evaluate the incision site and place the neck compression wrap. 

One Week After Neck Liposuction

During the first week after the procedure, you will experience bruising, swelling, inflammation, and pain. Your surgeon will advise you to take medications to relieve discomfort and pain. 

You can resume your day-to-day activities within a few days or after one week. Depending on your recovery speed, you can take shorter walks from one room to another in your home to increase blood flow to the neck area. 

However, you must avoid strenuous activities to avoid pressure on your neck and reduce the risk of discomfort and complications. You will experience a loss of sensation in your neck during the first week. 

One Month After Neck Liposuction 

After one month following the neck liposuction surgery, you can resume your daily exercise and workout routine. However, we recommend getting permission from your surgeon to avoid complications. It will help if you avoid activities that cause discomfort and pain. 

You will have decreased sensation in your face, neck, and chin with reduced skin bruising and swelling. Following your surgeon’s instructions is essential to prevent chronic complications, streamline healing, and reduce the risk of scars. 


Neck liposuction requires the patient to follow the guidelines of the surgeon. There are several ways to speed up the recovery process. However, the following tips are the most practical and beneficial. 

Apply Ice Packs 

Surgeons recommend applying ice to the incision area within the first two days following the surgery. You can use ice packs or moist frozen gauze to the incision site to reduce pain, inflammation, bruising, redness, and swelling. We recommend applying it for 20-30 minutes every hour to reduce the neck liposuction bruising

Apply a Warm Towel 

Applying a warm or moist towel eight hours after ice therapy is an excellent way to accelerate healing. Ensure the heating pad’s temperature is medium, and avoid using the heat continuously. Surgeons recommend applying the heat for twenty minutes eight hours after ice therapy. 

Take Care of the Incision Site 

The surgeon covers the incision site with a tap. However, clean the suture line at least 4-5 times a day with hydrogen peroxide if the tape falls off. You can also use the prescribed cream or ointment to speed up the healing process and reduce the risk of visible neck liposuction scars

Take Short Walks 

During the first few days following the surgery, you should sit, stand, and walk around the room instead of lying in bed. However, you can lie in bed if you feel fatigued in your muscles. 

In addition, avoid lifting objects heavier than five pounds. You must also not bend your upper body to prevent pressure on your neck. Doing so will increase bruising and swelling due to excessive bleeding. 

Sleep on Your Back 

Your surgeon will advise you to sleep on your back and use soft pillows to keep your head elevated. Remember, you should sleep in this position for at least 14 days following the surgery. Do not turn your head from side to side! 

What not to do

You will experience minor swelling, bruising, redness, and inflammation within the first three to six weeks. Although recovery from neck liposuction is efficient and quick, you must not perform heavy exercises or lift weights. 

Avoid strenuous activities or physical exertion for at least 3-4 weeks after the procedure. You must not swim for at least 2-3 weeks. Besides, turn your entire upper body while sleeping to prevent risks of complications. 


Neck liposuction is relatively a safe and effective procedure with quick recovery periods. However, when you fail to follow the doctor’s instructions, you may experience the following complications. 

Neck Contour Problems 

Contour problems or irregularities with neck liposuction are rare. However, when you sleep in an inappropriate position, you may experience bumpy, wavy, or withered skin due to ineffective healing and poor elasticity. 


A seroma or fluid accumulation under the skin in the neck area is another common complication of neck liposuction. If you experience this problem, make sure you consult your surgeon immediately. The surgeon will drain the fluid with a needle and instruct you to avoid this issue in the future. 

Numbness and Infection 

Loss of sensation or numbness in the neck area is common after neck liposuction. However, this problem goes away within a few days or a week. You may also experience temporary nerve irritation. Although skin infections with neck liposuction are rare, they can occur if you fail to clean the incision site. 

Fat Embolism 

A fat embolism occurs when loosened fat in your neck area penetrates the blood vessels and travels to the lungs or the brain. Remember, fat embolism is a dangerous condition, meaning you must consult your surgeon immediately. 

When to talk with a doctor

Talk with your surgeon or health professional when you experience the above complications. Consult your surgeon immediately when bruising and swelling do not relieve within a few weeks. 

What to do Next?

Neck Liposuction is a reliable, safe, and effective procedure for men and women to remove excess fat from their necks and achieve a well-contoured, healthy, and aesthetically pleasing jawline. Our plastic surgery clinic in Miami has experienced surgeons with extensive knowledge of Chin implant and neck liposuction. Call us between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Monday to Friday for more information on neck liposuction.

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