
How to Sleep After Rhinoplasty Surgery

How to Sleep After Rhinoplasty Surgery

There’s nothing better for your body following rhinoplasty surgery than getting some rest. This may seem straightforward, but getting a good night’s sleep may be a challenge after nose surgery. Because the nose is sensitive after surgery, it is vital to take care of it properly. Even while everyone’s sleep habits are unique, if you’re prone to tossing and turning in your sleep, you may be more likely to smoosh or hit your face by accident. If you are looking for a Rhinoplasty in Miami you can contact us at this link.

There’s no need to be concerned; there are solutions to prevent these risks. We’ve created this helpful guide to assist you in ensuring proper sleep and recovery following a rhinoplasty. You can get some shut-eye and safeguard your rhinoplasty investment all at the same time.

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep After Rhinoplasty Surgery

One of the most commonly addressed issues during a rhinoplasty consultation is anticipating after recovery. After rhinoplasty surgery, patients should sleep on their backs with their heads up. 

For men and women who are used to sleeping on their stomachs or sides, this may seem complicated, if not impossible. Still, back sleeping after rhinoplasty is critical for achieving the most significant aesthetic effect and protecting the nasal tissues.

Using extra pillows or rolled-up blankets along their sides might prevent some people from flipping to their stomachs while sleeping. Many individuals get used to their new sleeping positions pretty quickly, but sleeping slightly raised and on your back after nose surgery is typically more pleasant.

The pressure lying on your side or stomach may significantly delay or hinder healing and recovery after a rhinoplasty since the nasal tissues are sensitive. Because of this, you may use a wedge pillow or sleep in a reclining chair to help you attain the proper sleeping position. This sleeping position is more comfortable, but it also aids in healthy healing, reduces swelling, reduces congestion, and lowers the risk of complications or poor aesthetic results.

Sleeping on the Side After Rhinoplasty

Most individuals like to sleep on their sides; however, this is not recommended following rhinoplasty surgery since it may result in irreversible damage to the nasal bridge. You need to avoid sleeping on your side after at least the first week. This is because accidental pressure applied to the nose might drastically shift nasal bones, which can negatively influence the outcome. Although the risk of this

occurring is low, you’ll want to take all steps necessary to safeguard your new investment if it does.

The Recommended Time Frame to Sleep with the Head Elevated After Rhinoplasty Surgery

woman sleep with the Head Elevated After Rhinoplasty

After rhinoplasty, the amount of time you’ll need to sleep with your head raised depends on the procedure and other personal circumstances. After rhinoplasty, most patients can anticipate sleeping upright for at least 7 to 10 days. Your surgeon will review your healing status and decide whether it is safe and acceptable for you to return to your usual sleeping position during your postoperative follow-up visit. In some cases, we recommend sleeping on their back for more extended periods depending on your healing rate.

Few Tips to Sleep Safely after Rhinoplasty Surgery

Even though you will most likely feel sleepy and foggy after your rhinoplasty treatment, you may find it difficult to sleep right away due to discomfort or the concern of accidentally injuring your nose. While it is critical to exercise extreme caution to avoid damaging your nose, it is essential to obtain enough rest while your body recovers. The following tips can help you get a good night’s sleep while also guaranteeing that your results are not affected:

  • Make a relaxing recovery environment for yourself before surgery. Extra pillows or blankets may be used to assist your sleeping posture and ensure optimal comfort following your surgery.
  • Sleep alone. Even if you like sleeping near your partner, spouse, children, or pets, doing so may cause your nose to hurt. Sleeping alone for a while after rhinoplasty will prevent unintended harm to the nose.
  • Reduce your caffeine consumption. Many individuals regard coffee and tea as crucial parts of their daily routine. On the other hand, caffeine beverages might hinder you from getting enough sleep and disrupt your biological clock. As a result, you should limit your caffeine consumption, particularly before going to bed.
  • Keep your phone away. When it’s time to sleep, putting your phone away and not gazing at a screen will help you fall asleep faster and remain asleep for longer. This will allow your body to heal and recover properly.
  • As directed by your surgeon, take your pain medicines. You must follow their instructions to not have any pain or discomfort after surgery.

Find Out More About Rhinoplasty Recovery and Aftercare at Miami Lakes Plastic Surgery

Nose surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed at Miami Lakes Plastic Surgery in Florida. While we understand that the recovery process may be challenging and unpleasant at times, following simple guidelines after your surgery will guarantee the best possible outcome.

Each of our board-certified surgeons takes the time to educate each patient on what will occur during their treatment. To learn more about the best ways to sleep after rhinoplasty surgery, please contact our clinic or visit our website, which has many helpful tips and techniques for a successful procedure. You may also schedule an appointment to learn more about providing you with the best possible care and treatment plans.

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