Say bye to excess skin.
Tummy Tuck the greatest technique to get rid of all the unnecessary skin that’s disturbing you and the ultimate way to finally show the best version of yourself, plus you will show off a nice flat looking abdomen this summer.
How did Dr. Morales help these patients?
“I’ve dreamed about waking up with a specific look, and now it became an immediate reality. Looking good physically makes wonders for you emotionally, I don’t have to hide anymore”
Plastic Surgery Facts
Tummy Tuck Facts
By Miami Lakes Cosmetics Top Surgeons
It's Time For Some Results
Instead of keep seeing before and after pictures of different people, make your own before and after and get the transformation of your life!
But, Tummy Tuck has a big scar?
Actually, on Miami Lakes Plastic Surgery your final results will be just a nice and low thin scar that goes under your bikini line, so no one will notice
What about the pain?
What are painkillers for? Our surgeons will make sure your pain will be moderate to minimum by providing the right prescribed medication for you after surgery
Ok but, how much does it cost?
Let’s get real this is going to be the greatest investment of your life, because when you LOOK good, you FEEL good, you DO good and you LIVE good.
What our patients say.
“I’ve decide to do a Tummy Tuck to enhance my look when I looked at the mirror”
“My stomach was just getting bigger and bigger and I wanted to be smaller, I’ve been wanting this procedure for about 4 years now. I was born with a small waist and I wanted back. It’s time to get snatched”
Finally, Show the best version of yourself.
“I’ve dreamed about waking up with a specific look, and now it became an immediate reality. Looking good physically makes wonders for you emotionally, I don’t have to hide anymore”
Alexis, Tummy Tuck
Our most frequent answer and questions about Tummy Tuck
Yes, you can do a combination of Tummy Tuck with Liposuction or with Breast augmentation, it will always depend on your goals, conditions and your surgeon recommendation!
Well, if your stretch marks are located low on your belly button they will definitely go completely away along with your excess skin.
Totally yes, garments are a really important part in your final results and it will help you enhance even more that nice flat abdomen on your recovery time.
Have you loose an amount of weight that had let you with a pendulous looking flaccid skin on your belly? Have you tried all kind of diets and tedious workouts and that skin is still there? Well if your answer was “Yes” to this questions you are probably pre-qualified already, we just need to check some other things like BMI and health conditions and you are good to go, BYE excess skin, HELLO body of my dreams.
A note from us to you!
Life changes and along with it our bodies, like it changes a lot!
You gain weight, things start getting out of place and skin kind of grow in weird places, YES, we are talking about that pendulums and uncomfortable belly that doesn’t go with gym and diets
But there’s always the final solution out there, and we assure you it’s the only and immediate solution for that excess skin that doesn’t belong to your body, Tummy Tuck, that’s the procedure our surgeons bring to you!
On our years of operation we have seen thousands of patients recover and enhance that body they’ve always dreamed about along with their self-confidence back! It’s a WIN WIN and we’ll love to see you winning!