
Breast Reduction Miami

Women who suffer from chronic back pain and are unhappy with how their overly large breasts look may find relief through breast reduction surgery in Miami. During breast reduction surgery, part of the breast tissue, fat, and skin are removed to provide the patient with a more desirable appearance.

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Breast Reduction Procedure Steps

This might seem like a complicated procedure, but in most cases, it includes three main steps:

  • In order to minimize the size of each breast, an incision is made around the nipple and areola, as well as down the length of each breast,
  • The size of both breasts is reduced by removing extra skin, fat, and breast tissue,
  • The breast is reshaped, the nipple is repositioned, and the area around it, which is known as the areola, is also reconstructed.

Types of Breast Reduction Techniques

Liposuction, vertical breast reduction (also known as the lollipop technique), and inverted T breast reduction (also known as the anchor technique) are the three most frequent methods for breast reduction surgery. Understanding each of these techniques is a great way to prepare for an appointment with a board-qualified plastic surgeon, even though the best way to evaluate which technique is ideal for you is to have a face-to-face meeting with a fully qualified plastic surgeon.
Breast reduction using liposuction is a faster, less intrusive surgery with little scarring and long-lasting benefits. If you want little to medium alterations in breast size, have breasts mostly made up of fat tissue, and your skin is elastic, liposuction may be a possibility for you.

Two incisions are necessary for the lollipop breast reduction. One is located at the areola’s edge, and the other extends from the areola’s lower edge to the crease underneath the breast. Although there is greater scarring after this treatment than after liposuction, the scars are below the breast and are typically hidden with clothing or the breast’s natural contour.

The vertical cut breast reduction requires two incisions; the inverted T breast reduction requires three incisions, plus a third that follows the crease beneath the breast. Although this approach will result in greater scarring, scars are hidden and follow the form of breasts, bras, and bikini tops.

Which Breast Reduction Technique Is Right for Me?

There is a wide variety of incisions that can be performed during breast reduction surgery to get the desired results. The method that is applied is determined by the patient’s mammary anatomy, the volume of tissue that needs to be removed, the patient’s individual preferences, and the goal that they hope to achieve.

During the first consultation you have with cosmetic surgeons, you will receive an expert recommendation for the breast reduction technique that is the most appropriate for your breast anatomy, the amount of reduction that is required, and the outcomes that you wish to achieve.


Preparing For Surgery

If you’re a smoker, you will need to stop smoking for at least a full month before your breast reduction operation. Then you will also be advised to take supplements such as vitamin C to have a stronger immune system. You should avoid taking vitamin E, omega 3, and aspirin since these are known to cause your blood to get thin which is not good when you are about to have surgery.


What Are the Benefits of Breast Reduction

A woman who has undergone reduction mammaplasty has a greater chance of enjoying a higher quality of life as well as a number of long-term benefits, including the following:
Women who have enormous breasts frequently experience pain in their shoulders, necks, and backs. The discomfort is eliminated very instantly and continues to disappear after the surplus weight is lost.
Because the shoulders won’t move forward and compress the nerves, there won’t be any nerve discomfort, numbness, or tingling.
If you have smaller breasts, you will find that it is much easier to participate in aerobic and cardiovascular exercise, in addition to other types of activity. Your breasts won’t “get in the way” of your activities, and it will be simpler to choose a bra that provides more support.
Women who have enormous breasts frequently have difficulty finding a comfortable posture in which to sleep and often resort to sleeping in bras that are unsuitable for that purpose. After having breast reduction surgery, it is much simpler to settle into a comfortable position and to sleep in whatever you choose to wear, as there is no longer a requirement for additional support.
A reduction in the size of your breasts can enhance your life quality if you are currently self-conscious or unhappy with the size of your breasts. You can visit the pool or the beach without stressing about your looks and feel secure in your physique. It’s frequently easier to locate clothes that are more appealing and flattering.

Which Breast Reduction Technique Is Right for Me?

There is a wide variety of incisions that can be performed during breast reduction surgery to get the desired results. The method that is applied is determined by the patient’s mammary anatomy, the volume of tissue that needs to be removed, the patient’s individual preferences, and the goal that they hope to achieve.

During the first consultation you have with cosmetic surgeons, you will receive an expert recommendation for the breast reduction technique that is the most appropriate for your breast anatomy, the amount of reduction that is required, and the outcomes that you wish to achieve.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift

How Much Is a Breast Reduction in Miami

Prices for breast reduction surgery in Miami range anywhere from $3,000 to $6,000 per breast. The amount of tissue that needs to be eliminated, the amount of time that’ll be needed for the treatment, and whether or not the plastic surgeon is board certified all go into the pricing.

If you choose to have this done at a trustworthy clinic, you can feel comfortable knowing that qualified experts will take good care of your health which is the primary goal. That obviously comes with a price and it will mostly depend on the clinic and its individual pricing ratio.

How Much Does Breast Reduction Cost With Insurance

Breast reduction surgery which is regarded as unnecessary is typically not covered by health insurance, whereas breast reduction surgery that’s believed to be medically required is typically covered. When determining whether or not breast reduction surgery is clinically essential, health insurance companies usually use a variety of criteria. You will definitely need evidence of chronic health difficulties caused by the size of your breasts in order to qualify for insurance coverage.

According to some estimates, with commercial insurance included, this surgery can still cost you around $8,000, including anesthesia fees, surgical center services, and other relatable costs.




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Who is a good candidate for breast reduction surgery?

The breast reduction procedure is for those experiencing discomfort due to their large breasts. Since child-bearing can also affect physical appearance of large breasts (they tend to sag), it’s best to go for mammoplasty, it may also cause them to suffer from severe back pain because of their condition. Therefore, if having large breasts causes discomfort in your everyday life, it’s the best thing to do.

Abnormally large breasts can cause women to feel more self-conscious and even lose their confidence.  can also cause pain when women try to become more active. It will stop them from doing what they want to do, such as playing sports or other things they need to be physically active. Women with huge breasts may also have an issue looking for brassieres that will suit their needs since their size is too big.

Breast Reduction Recovery Process​

Recovery Process

After breast reduction surgery, full recovery might take anywhere from two to six weeks to complete. It is possible that you will need to take between two and three weeks off of work and require assistance with errands such as shopping, housework, and childcare. You shouldn’t get behind the wheel until wearing a seatbelt is no longer uncomfortable for you. It’s possible that this will take a few weeks. It is recommended that you wait up to six weeks after surgery before engaging in activities such as stretching, vigorous exercise, or heavy lifting.

After breast surgery, some surgeons recommend that patients continue to wear their sports bras around the clock for up to three months. Still, it’s best that you verify this information with your surgeon. How fast your wounds recover will determine how long you will need to leave the dressings on once they have been applied. If the stitches are not dissolvable, they will have to be removed within a week or two at the latest.


Risks and Side Effects

Just like any other surgical procedure, breast reduction surgery is not without its risks. Here are some of the possible complications that may occur:

  • Apparent scarring,
  • Nipples or breasts that are not equally shaped,
  • Challenges with wound healing,
  • A loss of sensation in the nipple,
  • Inability to continue breastfeeding,
  • Breasts that are red or lumpy if the fat does not survive (fat necrosis),
  • Extra skin surrounding the scars may need to be removed surgically,
  • Hematoma, or bleeding within the breast tissue.

As with any other surgery, there is always a possibility of the following complications occurring during and after the procedure:

  • A large amount of blood loss,
  • Infection,
  • An adverse reaction to the anesthetic that was given,
  • A clot of blood that is growing in the deeper veins of the body.

Your surgeon should discuss the likelihood of these risks and consequences, as well as the treatment options available in the event that you experience any of them.

Consult With an Expert Before the Breast Reduction Surgery in Miami

Breast reduction surgery in Miami, FL, can still be done as an aesthetic operation even if it’s frequently done to treat medical problems for women who don’t have macromastia symptoms but are dissatisfied with the shape of their breasts. Social stigmas and wardrobe issues are two common reasons given by patients who elect to get breast reduction surgery for cosmetic purposes. If you have any worries and wonder if you’re the right candidate for this procedure, we strongly encourage you to contact us and book a consultation with our experts at Miami Lake Cosmetics clinic. 

Our experienced surgeons will advise you on the type of procedure you need to get done and even point you in the right direction if you want to check whether insurance covers your medical expenses. We will also let you know everything about our pricing ratio and payment methods. Our trusted staff will even guide you through the recovery process of Miami plastic surgery breast reduction, so there is absolutely nothing you should worry about.


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Frequently asked questions

Breast reduction (also referred to as reduction mammaplasty) is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of glandular tissue, excess breast fat, and skin in order to achieve a proportionate breast size with the rest of the body and relieve the discomfort associated with having excessively big breasts (macromastia).
The overall recovery process following breast reduction surgery can take anywhere between two to six weeks to finish. It is probable that you’ll need to take about 2 and 3 weeks out of your job, and you may also require support with daily chores including housework or childcare while you are out of commission. You shouldn’t get behind the wheel until wearing a seatbelt is no longer uncomfortable for you.
The majority of women claim that breast reduction is far less painful than they imagined it would be. This is despite the fact that it is usual for patients to have some level of discomfort or pain following surgery. People will usually report that the discomfort or pain is contained in the incisions.

The majority of patients who have breast reduction have favorable results, but there are a few potential problems that you should be aware of:

  • Complications – Risks are inherent in any surgical operation that requires anesthesia. There is a risk of infection, blood clots, adverse reactions to the anesthesia, and other complications. If you go to a board-certified plastic surgeon who performs a significant number of breast reduction surgeries each year, you will cut your risk of complications significantly.
  • Recovery – Surgery for breast reduction can typically be performed on an outpatient basis and takes about 3 hours. The majority of women are capable of returning home on the same day, but you’ll have a period of rehabilitation ahead of you.
  • Drains – Following breast surgery, it may be necessary for some women to have drains put into their breasts. Drains are little tubes that are placed just beneath the skin and are used to remove fluid and blood from the surgical site. During the healing process, drains can help reduce swelling and discomfort. Your cosmetic surgeon will often remove your drains a week after their placement.
  • Pain – After having your breasts reduced, you should expect to have some discomfort and suffering for one to two weeks. Painkillers written on the prescription will most likely be provided to you by your surgeon after surgery. The majority of women do not require pain medication prescribed by a doctor for much more than a few days. After that, if you have any more requirements, you should probably just take some Tylenol.
  • Scarring – The incisions are typically made all the way through the center of the breast and around the nipples. They will be bloated for one to two months, but the swelling will eventually go away. After a year, the majority of patients have just mild scarring, while others have more extensive scarring.
  • Capacity to continually breastfeed – After breast reduction surgery, some patients discover that it is more difficult to breastfeed their children, however, it is not impossible. It is challenging to speculate on who might experience this outcome. It is recommended that you wait to have breast reduction surgery unless you are very certain that you will not be having any more children.
  • Decreased nipple sensation – After breast reduction surgery, some women reported having less nipple sensation than before the procedure. The majority of women report that the sensation returns within one to two months, although some experience issues that last for a longer period of time.
A person who is a potential candidate for breast reduction has breasts that have reached their complete development. The breasts typically finish growing between the ages of 16 and 18, which makes it the earliest time to have a breast reduction. Breasts that show signs of rapid growth at a much younger age can be a symptom of a disorder known as Juvenile Virginal Hypertrophy.
Maintaining a consistent weight is important. If you want to reduce your weight, the best time to do so is before you have surgery. According to your height and weight, your body mass index (BMI) should be less than 35. It is generally accepted that surgery should only be performed on patients who have a BMI of 30 or less.
There is a possibility, albeit a small one, that breast enlargement will occur following breast reduction surgery. The expansion and maturation of the body are both affected by a number of different causes. Breasts may become larger as a result of a number of factors, including fluctuations in hormone levels, weight growth, and life events like pregnancy and menopause.

The process of obtaining insurance coverage regarding breast reduction surgery has gotten increasingly complex in recent years. Before insurance providers consider covering something, they will usually demand two or three written reports from other professionals who have been suggested to them.

Additionally, it is typical practice for insurance companies to demand paperwork and treatment lasting anywhere from six months to twelve months from a physical therapist, chiropractor, dermatologist, or orthopedist, showing that this surgery is really necessary for your overall well-being. These documents should prove that the size of your breasts causes serious problems in your everyday activities.

In certain circumstances, Medicaid will pay for the breast reduction treatment you plan on having. However, in order for Medicaid to authorize your procedure, it will first need to be determined by a licensed medical professional that it is truly essential from a health standpoint. This indicates that the decrease in your breast size must be tied to a medical problem for this coverage to be acceptable.

Lifting something heavy after the surgery might put a strain on the incision sites, which in certain instances can lead to wound collapse and postpone recovery. It’s possible that doing this will make your breast reduction scars look worse and compromise the overall outcomes of your operation.

In all likelihood, it will take you about two and six weeks to achieve a full recovery, but you should start to feel stronger and have more energy within about a week’s time. Depending on the specifics of your profession, you will need around a week off of work, and during this period, you will have to cut back on the number of activities you participate in.
After having breast reduction surgery, patients will be required to wear a surgical bra or other types of compression garment for around six weeks. Of course, you can take the bra off while you’re in the shower, but you still need to keep it on during the night and the day – even when you sleep.

Mammoplasty is a surgery, so you have to expect that you will need to deal with several procedures to get it done. You will be evaluated by the specialist first so that you can discuss with them what you want to achieve. From there, your plastic surgeon will inform you what needs to be done that will help you to achieve great results.

Once you’re ready for the surgery, you must know what will happen during the procedure. You will have an anesthesiologist for the entire process to ensure that you are sedated. Then the incision will proceed once the anesthesia takes effect. There will be a breathing apparatus throughout the surgery to ensure that you will not have any issues while under the knife.

  • Mammoplasty with Implants 

When going under the breast reduction procedure, you may have stretch marks and loose skin. The best way to make your breast still look fuller is to add some implants. It can help the breast reduction procedure to achieve better results by adding the implants. Most women opt into having the implants and lift at the same time for a better outcome.

  • Mammoplasty and Lift 

Women’s breasts can be saggy due to pregnancy, weight loss, and age. Your plastic surgeon will advise you to go for the breast lift after the reduction as well. That way, you can have normal-looking breasts after the operation. It will be aesthetically better since it will have a lift and you no longer have to worry about having it too big anymore. 

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